Well Visits

Your Child’s Wellness is Our Highest Priority

Doctor Pediatrician Child Wellness Visits Child Patient

As a parent or caregiver, we know you want the best care possible for your little ones. An annual well visit with the pediatrician is a great opportunity to track your child’s height and weight, vision and hearing as well as administer age-appropriate immunizations in accordance with the Center for Disease Control (CDC) schedule. It also gives us a chance to check in on any health concerns you may have and answer any questions. Well visits at Commonwealth Pediatrics of Richmond, VA help promote the healthy development of your child as well as identify and prevent any potential health issues that may arise.

What Are Well Visits?

Well visits, also known as checkups, are routine medical appointments scheduled at specific intervals during a child’s growth and development as part of preventative healthcare. These visits typically occur when a child is healthy and not experiencing any acute illnesses. The purpose of these checkups is to assess a child’s overall health, monitor growth milestones and provide essential health services tailored to their age and developmental stage.

The Frequency Of Well-Visit Checkups

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends a schedule of well-visit checkups that span from infancy through adolescence. The frequency of these visits is essential, as it allows pediatricians to closely monitor a child’s development and address any concerns or potential health issues promptly. The typical schedule for well visits includes appointments at the following ages:

  • Newborn visit—first week after birth

  • 2 weeks

  • 1 month

  • 2 months

  • 4 months

  • 6 months

  • 12 months

  • 15 months

  • 18 months

  • 24 months

  • 30 months

  • 3 years

  • Annually from ages 4 to 21

The Benefits Of Well Visits

At Commonwealth Pediatrics, we look forward to meeting with you and your child/children annually as a commitment to ensuring that your child is on the path to lifelong good health. A healthy foundation in the early formative years helps teach children the importance of taking care of themselves as they grow. You will find there are many benefits of an annual well visit, such as:

Well visits provide an opportunity for your pediatrician to track your child’s growth and developmental milestones. By regularly measuring height, weight and head circumference, we can identify any potential delays or concerns and intervene appropriately.

Checkups are the perfect time to ensure that children receive the necessary vaccinations as per the recommended immunization schedule from the CDC. Vaccinations protect children from serious and preventable diseases, contributing to community health as well.

Pediatricians conduct various health screenings during well visits to help identify potential health issues early. These screenings may include vision and hearing tests, blood pressure checks and developmental assessments.

Checkups offer an opportunity for pediatricians to discuss nutrition, physical activity and overall lifestyle choices, such as limiting screen time, with parents and children. This guidance helps establish healthy habits and prevent obesity.

Pediatricians also assess a child’s social and emotional well-being during these visits. They offer guidance on behavioral concerns and address any emotional challenges the child may be facing.

At each well visit, we will discuss age-appropriate safety measures that you can incorporate in your home or car to make your child’s environment as safe as possible.

Regular visits to the pediatrician help establish a strong relationship between the child, the parents and the healthcare provider. A trusting relationship is essential for open communication and cooperation during times of illness or medical treatment.

Tips For Successful Well Visits

At Commonwealth Pediatrics, we want each checkup to be a positive experience for you and your child. Here are some tips on how to prepare for your child’s well visit:

Doctor Pediatrician Child Wellness Visits Child Patient

Before the appointment, write down any questions or concerns you have about your child’s health or development. This can include any behavioral issues that you may be noticing.

If your child has received medical care from another provider, bring relevant medical records to the appointment.

It is helpful to bring school-related paperwork with you so that we have a chance to fill it out and send it home with you.

Be ready to discuss your child’s milestones and any developmental progress or challenges you have observed.

Make sure you have your child’s immunization records up to date. Commonwealth Pediatrics will provide you a copy of your child’s immunization record so that you can give this to the school or daycare if needed.

Be open and honest with the pediatrician about your child’s health and any family medical history. Our pediatricians will listen to any concerns you have without judgment and develop a customized treatment plan with your child’s best interests in mind.

Tips On Staying Healthy

At Commonwealth Pediatrics, we love to see your children develop to their fullest potential while becoming well-rounded, happy individuals. We would like to offer a few tips on staying healthy at home between our well visits:

  • Wear sunscreen at the beach, pool or whenever your children are out in the sun for an extended period of time

  • Enjoy a daily breakfast, especially during the school year

  • Maintain a well-balanced diet by offering your child plenty of fruits and vegetables for snacks and at mealtime

  • Stay hydrated, especially during the hot summer months

  • Limit screen/TV time and replace with reading time as often as possible

  • Limit candy, sodas and sugary juice drinks

  • Brush teeth twice daily

Remember, illnesses will come and go, but practicing healthy habits early will last a lifetime.

Schedule Your Child’s Well Visit Today

If you are in the Richmond, VA area and would like to schedule an appointment with Commonwealth Pediatrics, contact one of our three locations today. Being proactive about your child’s health is the best way to ensure they hit recommended development milestones. Our team looks forward to adding you to the Commonwealth Pediatrics family!

Expert Pediatricians. Gentle and Kid-Friendly Care. Peace Of Mind.

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High-quality pediatric services are just a click away! The Commonwealth Pediatrics team is dedicated to providing families with compassionate, patient-focused care you can trust. We put our patients first, and that starts before you ever set foot in our office. If you’re ready to schedule an appointment with us, fill out our online appointment request form.